Monday, July 14, 2008

July 14

So I decided that this will be easier to keep everyone updated on Logen and his big achievments!

So he is 3 months old. Its hard to believe that he has only been here for 3 months. I feel like he has been here for years. I dont know what my life was like before him. You really can't understand the love you can have for someone else until you experience the love of a child.

He is now rolling over. He can go from his belly to his back. And when he does it he thinks he is hott sh*t! He loves smiling, he is such a happy baby. If you talk to him he just lights up. I love his little expressions.

rolling over!

His 1st 4th of July


That beautiful smile...


Big Man...



His new favorite thing...His Fingers...


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