Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31st

So Christmas is over! I had soo much fun. I got lots of new toys and clothes and love them all. I also got to see everyone at a Christmas Party at my Great-Grandparents house. Here are some pictures from Christmas.
I am also learning lots of new things. I can climb the stairs faster then Mommy can put the gate up. I am also pulling up and crusing along things, I try to walk. I can let go of stuff and stand on my own for a few seconds but when I try to move forward I end up just falling on my butt. Mommy says I will learn soon. I can walk with my walker toy that I got for Christmas though. I also love to climb things I climb through the hole in the table and back around. I am eating regular food also. I love raviolis and those noodles that are circles.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Here they are...

Here are the pictures you all have been waiting on....

Sleeping on Daddy...
After Dinner!
My mommys friends from school!



Stop Mommy!!!

Standing like a big boy!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Okay so Mommy still hasnt gotten the cord to upload pictures. But here is a little update. I am crawling all over the place. I also love pulling up on anything that wont fall over on me. Mommy caught me trying to climb the stairs the other day. So she has been teaching me how to go up them and then slide down on my bottom. I also have a kitty. Mommy found her and shes staying with us for now. Shes very nice. She likes to sleep in my room in the rocking chair next to my crib. I am ready for Christmas everyone keeps telling me I getting presents! Mommy is hidding mine in the office.

Here are some pictures I got done a little while ago. I am such a camera ham!